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Last win: sho@@@ vs. “Rabbits and Recurrence Relations”, 11 minutes ago
Problems: 284 (total), users: 113064
ID Title Solved By Correct Ratio
FIBO Fibonacci Numbers 6860
BINS Binary Search 3016
DEG Degree Array 2471
INS Insertion Sort 2576
DDEG Double-Degree Array 1952
MAJ Majority Element 1998
MER Merge Two Sorted Arrays 2078
2SUM 2SUM 1366
BFS Breadth-First Search 1158
CC Connected Components 1122
HEA Building a Heap 838
MS Merge Sort 1397
PAR 2-Way Partition 1037
3SUM 3SUM 810
BIP Testing Bipartiteness 603
DAG Testing Acyclicity 664
DIJ Dijkstra's Algorithm 662
HS Heap Sort 674
INV Counting Inversions 774
PAR3 3-Way Partition 845
SQ Square in a Graph 446
BF Bellman-Ford Algorithm 468
CTE Shortest Cycle Through a Given Edge 388
MED Median 707
PS Partial Sort 573
TS Topological Sorting 542
HDAG Hamiltonian Path in DAG 394
NWC Negative Weight Cycle 372
QS Quick Sort 596
SCC Strongly Connected Components 397
2SAT 2-Satisfiability 243
GS General Sink 287
SC Semi-Connected Graph 282
SDAG Shortest Paths in DAG 310